Feb 5, 2007

Weekend 1: The wedding

Arrival via last Ryanscare flight on Friday night: it was hell.
I had the bad luck of having to be on the same flight with one of the people I detested from Uni.
Those atone, beings to which you can only be indifferent.
Despite from Turin he was saying it was a boring city and he had nothing to do there.
To which I snapped: Shall I remind you that you were unable to enjoy yourself in Brighton?
The fight begins!

Wedding day.. Discovered that A didn't have an hairdrier, but thanks to G I managed to go to the ceremony in a decent state.
It was the wedding of Pollo & Polla as they call themselves (Chicken & Hen.. go figure).
This was when we met.

To the BIG day, where all the Grande family was reunited.

The mass, Big priest made us laugh all the way through, he spoke about E.R.O.S, he told us only if we had committed a terrible sin not to go to take the community, otherwise we wouldn't have a good excuse.
He made bride, broom (groom!) and witnesses (they were lots of them!) go behind the altar..
& then we covered them in rice. It's no wedding without rice.. and we had lots of it, and the church keeper was a bit irate for all the mess.

Apparently they said I danced like a tarantula.
The reception was wonderful also because the majority of the food was served as a sort of pass pick and mix little portions. Rivers of champagne & lots of room for chit chat. Wonderful..
There was also a smoking room, where discussions varied from politics, to the anestetist in the Big family discussing that the son should have been sat with the girls not with the kids!
All the joy darlings! Ah ! look how cool is the dress? Vivienne.
The night obviously didn't finish there. We moved on to a club but high heels made our stay unbearable, hence walked barefoot to the car, and went to change shoes. A's house ( where he was peacefully asleep for a couple of hours) .Well first of all I forgot there was the lift so went up numerous flights of stairs, then stole A's last packet of cigarettes. He thought I slept in the balcony, because when he woke up I wasn't home but all my clothes, phones and wallet were there. He couldn't explain the mistery. At last he found me.

1 comment:

Lady V said...

I laughed out loud at the thought of you dancing like a tarantula! Will you do it for me sometime?