Feb 4, 2007

3 times in two months! That's Turin

Three weekends, all different from each other.
Weekend 1: the wedding
Weekend 2: skiing
Weekend 3: The bull factory

Now I'm back trying to compose myself. Apparently I shouldn't even type on the laptop without sitting at a table. Now doesn't lap-top means lap? For me no.
On top of having to lie half hour listening to new age music I now also have to lie on a polystirol tube....

Anyway back to Turin... I always loved this place, but the Olympics really gave her a boost.
It was once the capital of Italy, but many seem to forget.
It's the only place I know where you can leave your house at whatever time of day and night and you'll always find something to do, and as Oats noticed after a couple of Negroni sbagliato " And people seem more individuals, they are not dressed all the same ( as it often happens in Italy)"

Cerimonia di Apertura olimpiadi di torino 2006

1 comment:

sxg said...

yes, darling that's exactly what i said (except with slightly better grammar, negroni sbagliati notwithstanding)