Feb 21, 2007

An another government falls in Italy

I think it's the 61st from the 2nd world war.
But you know it was one for which I voted, one for which thanks for Italians living abroad it went up to power.
And it fell into pieces. And what for? 2 votes to keep a military contingent in Afghanistan.
Oh well.. I bet from tomorrow we gonna see the silly face of Berlusca again which has been out of the picture for quite a while. I bet is gonna go back, talking to mums and grannies promising jobs and happyness.

And it's always their fault!!!!!

Italian Government Fractures Over Gay Relationships

The coalition government of Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi is showing its fault lines in the debate over civil solidarity pacts, his attempt to provide legal recognition for gay and lesbian couples. His justice minister, Clementa Mastella of the small UDEUR party, told Reuters, "I don't care if the government falls, but I am not going to vote for that law. Homosexuals can acquire more rights, but I'll never accept the idea that they can be considered a family."

The Vatican under Pope Benedict XVI is conducting an all-out campaign to scotch the bill. Last week, Benedict spoke of the "heterosexual nature" of marriage and warned against the "relativism" behind the legislation. He also called for pulling back on the granting of Church annulments.

1 comment:

FKJ said...

can i know why you are citing random andy humm when i have written far more extensively and might i add, accurately, on the topic? and what does DICO have to do with government collapse?