Dec 22, 2006

Entry in honour of my stupidity

It must be the chinese herbs, I don't see what else.. ( well ehm! ) but my phone disappeared while I was texting last night.
Somebody must have spiked my drink, I haven't been that drunk with so little probably ever.
I'm also getting headaches lately... mah! either my brain totally caught up with the amount of abuse or I'm just getting old.. or normal... like anybody else and get hangovers...
Glad I only need to go to work at 12 as I woke up full clothed, shoes on at 8.16 and they couldn't even have had any way of reaching me. Oh well the waking up early to clean before tomorrow mamma arrives didn't really go that well.. and I really can't face the going to the vofafone shop to quarrel to get a new phone... and go to work..
Also promised mother I'll go out dancing again tonight.. Water children, water... the new me...


FKJ said...

bloody hell!

it's a WHOLE new you...

your phones last about 3 months. tops

Lady V said...

I think it's marvellous! You are turning into me. Hurrah! Have good times with Gina and Pina darling


FKJ said...

i think i could be the new pina at some point. 20, well make it 5 years from now...
love her

FKJ said...

wait though

who is the fat one? pina?

bogart said...

eheh... not with the broth!!