Mar 31, 2006

And yes.. tonight is the night!! SMACK BACK

But you know.... everything happens at the same time..

Friends check
Non frineds check
People you don't know check
Time setting check
Drink before going check
Hat check
Outfit check
Delayed blow gathering check
Exceeding the number of fuck to be said in the
library ( I.e. work!) check
Wanting to rest.. uncheck.
left at 5, office called at 5.30, client at 6
M later decided to bring some sort of chinese cure.. ( i'm still italian can't have porridge with pork and fish!!)

But I'm no Sims... High fever..
I really can't move my limbs.. but I'm still tempted.. But will I get pnemonia?
Can't believe it..
And BT decided to disconnect my baby yesterday.. It's like people cutting your lifeline, when some idiot switch off your internet by some sort of mistake.
But here I am.. At least something is working
Shall I shall I not.. I already exceeded the daily max intake of nurofen cold and flu, beechams, lemsip, nose strips, echinachea, vitamins, water..
so I google it?

What happens if I go to smack tonight with high fever?

Top of the list


Now .. either internet is random.. or my searches are random.. or there is no question doesn't have a answer in google..
Infact let's play this game

Type 3 random words on Google, if you get one post only you win..


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