Mar 14, 2006


Don't you think that play playstation really deviates your mind??
Well.. I got the telly eventually.. amazing.. shame they don't put the antenna cable in the box.. but hey 3 days later 6 hours of set up, 4 or 5 cables and here we are, ps in on, both laptops are on..
Anyway to celebrate I played for hours.. the Sims.. As being an hamster all day is not enough, you also play making a game eat, pee.. go to work..
Well since then I say suhn suhn before I go out..
Madness.. not sure that's good for kids..
What happened to reading books and the rest?? oh well.. progress.
Let me see.. the day in which princess sparkle gets a ride on a private jet, somebody asks you what' s a medley report, somebody else if you can donate your belt... but also the day in which smby has to put his head down and accept failure.. wasn't I right.. yes probably... but also the day frap introduced me to the best sentences in the world.. so true despite from the 20s..
And today a kid declared to be able to cure cancer by looking at people..
cleaner cleaner.. need to get one, got the number.. but how am I supposed to tell her what to do if I'm never home or have time for it..
I defenetely need a concierge. That was my business idea.. have a concierge company.. you need something, you call and they do it for you. but a network of people you know and trust.. there is no point in hiring somebody to buy a present only to end up with a pair of pink knickers instead of a cowboy hat..
shun shun..

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