Jan 24, 2007

IAT: Implicit Association test

it is based on a seemingly obvious- but nonetheless quite profound - osservation.
We make connections much more quickly between pairs of ideas that are already related in our minds than we do between pairs of ideas that are unfamiliar to us. What dooes that mean? Let me give you an example. Below is a list. Assign each name to the category to which it belongs. Do it as quickly as you can. Don't skip over words and don't worry if you make mistakes.

Male........... Female


That was easy right? The reason that was easy is that when we read or hear the name John or Bob we don't even have to think whether is masculine or feminine name.

Now try this


...or...................................... or

Family ............................ Career


Well.. it was different. This was a bit harder, wasn't it?
It took you longer to put entrepreneur into career. Most of us have must stronger mental association between what's maleness and career oriented concept than we do between femaleness and ideas related to careers.
Have a look here for ones that really will change the perception of how you think.
The most famous one is the Race IAT.
For full details on the study
Click here


FKJ said...

errr. what type of dog are you is really a much easier test babes

bogart said...

We are not looking for superficiality here are we?
This is a cool test. really. so for you that love test, this should be really up your street.