Sep 12, 2008

and back to the shit normal life

oh God... what a difference makes... 
Back home, heating needs to be flushed  (1000£ ) lights blew up, stock market crashing, one less investment bank in there, another 2 waiting to go and with that my job too. 
Only highlights of the week were
 a fabolous dinner ( hosted by me) with invaluable contribution of lovely M&M without them 
would not have been possible... thank you love you both dearly. 
and the Soros and Alain de Botton talk - inspiring

Now it's friday night, too exhausted to go out, to depressed to think. So... let's remember the jolly good times of heaven- i.e. the past week. What a wonderful experience.... 

Let's start from NYC, still not convinced I could really live there but hey! those 3 days were amazing ... 

Funnily enough... look what I found in the picture collection... and probably what would really remain of it very soon

And you can already buy Lehman parafernalia on Ebay ( just to remember the old times) !

1 comment:

albeo said...

don't ditch the Big Apple until you've given it a good try... and think, only a 1-hour flight to Burlington...
