Jul 18, 2006

When are we most alive?

We are most alive…most free…when the fabric of our lives is woven from threads of the heart.

A new adventure is like a double-edged sword: one side sparkles with opportunity; the other reflects our deepest fears.

A great life is born in the soul, grown in the mind, and lived from the heart.

What we get out of life is usually in direct proportion to the positive choices we make and productive actions we take.

If you don’t believe your health is important, no one else can help. If you don’t ask for what you want, your best supporters won’t know what to give. If you don’t mange your own time, there will be no time for you.

To take responsibility for a fulfilling life is to choose how you use each day of your life.

Decorate the rooms of your mind as you would a favorite retreat…with things that calm your spirit and fuel your imagination.

For every problem, there are many possible –and often equally appropriate- solutions.

It takes regular doses of fertilizer to grow a garden of sturdy positive thoughts. ( I'll probably need to rob B&Q in my case)

Soothe my soul so it will heal; light the way so I might learn. Warm my heart so I’ll know love; empower me to serve.

Watch the ballet of lightning bugs on a hot, humid night or barn swallows in flight at dusk…what better gifts are there than these?

Some enjoyment fills the senses, some wraps around our hearts, and some simply brings serene awareness from within.

The next time you find yourself thinking, "I should…" ask yourself, "Who says? ( I'm now thinking I should go to bed.. as it's late.. and the who says.. doesn't really increase the amount of hours that divides me from my alarm clock )

Abundant living is the fine art of enjoying what you have, sharing what is yours, and attracting what is right.

Feeling down, we find no reason to celebrate, yet getting up each day should be reason enough!
But I don't really want to get up, I lost that instinct, I just don't see the point.

If you don’t know what you want in life, you’ll probably find something else.

You must first notice your good fortune to feel fortunate.

Take time to take stock of all that you have… and you’ll feel “rich” in minutes.

When something you want involves taking a risk, don’t ask, “What if it doesn’t work?” Instead, ask “How will I feel if I don’t even try?” I feel even worse if I put all my efforts into it and I'm worst off

When you talk to yourself, always imagine that you are talking to a dear friend.

You are never alone when you connect with your highest self.

Listen with your ears if you want to be right; listen with your heart if you want to be loved.

The first rule for enhancing relationships is to show up… physically present, mentally attuned, and emotionally engaged. I'm not and I can never be, the few times it happened to me, the other person wasn't really of the same idea

A gratifying life grows less from what we get or what we do than from the person we have become.

If you knew today would be your last, would you spend it doing what you should… or what you love? What I won't be able to do

Do something you choose to do early each day – it heightens your sense of purpose and integrity. Sleep, I can't. so I drink a coffee instead, not sure it has the same effect..

When you are being the person you aspire to be, you are fulfilling your personal destiny.

When you are in search of inspiration leave your ego behind, and let your child lead. I don't know what a child is supposed to feel like, I never had the pleasure.

No one succeeds alone; let the ideas of others lift you to your highest potential.

When your destination is crystal clear, your intuition will provide the best route for getting there.

All you have to do to be “creative,” is not block what springs from your heart.

Complaints drain the brain and sour the spirit; reframe all complaints as questions. That will be shit lots of questions then.. You can complain to make things better.

Offense can be found everywhere or nowhere… depending on who’s doing the looking.

Spend 10 minutes a day “playing,” and by the end of the year you will have “vacationed” for 61 hours…more than a full work week! If you are a fucking 9 to 5evers

It is impossible to laugh and feel burdened at the same time. An active funny bone gives you strength.

If you circle your wagons to protect what you have, you can’t venture forward to what you desire.

The more specific your dreams, the closer they seem. The closer they seem, the more you will be motivated to pursue them.

Let go of an old pain or regret and you free up energy to move your life forward.

Learn from your mistakes, but focus on your strengths. It is there that you will find the courage to try again.

A small crack in confidence can grow into full-blown anxiety if left unchecked. Shore yourself up with affirmation, prayer, and inspiration.

When you share yourself with someone else, you are welcomed into the heart of humanity.

Passion for life does not wear out… it fades from lack of use.

Burn the candle at both ends, and you can’t tell which end is up.

Working with a mind in overdrive is like playing darts blindfolded: a bull’s eye is unlikely and mistakes can be painful.

A fulfilling life often means releasing something you have… to acquire something you want.

All you have to do to be “creative,” is not block what springs from your heart.

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