Jul 15, 2006

Now i know it's 4 o'clock in the morning, but i have to jot this down, as the idea otherwise will pass away, probably it has already..

ok.. so why do you think relationships exists..

In my opinion and this is on the same line of if you stuff a ant's hare with food would it still go search frantically for it or wear sunnies drinking a Bud?

Not sure really..If human beings were immortal would they still have relationships?
I reckon that ultimately you need somebody to support you, care for you and things like that, if we didn't have that need, I really don't think we will psychologically do that, it's just the quiet after the storm, you sort of need to.

Not entirely sure I understand myself what the real question here if I found an answer, but I believe that if conditions were different in this world there wouldn't be any relationships. And if you ask me if that would be better or worse I truly have no idea..

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