May 23, 2006

What's your ideal day

I don't think there in a right or wrong answer and neither I think that if you ask twice to the same person you get the same answer.
Situations change, needs differ, sofistication can become simplicity. I believe lately we are so starved of time, that having time to sit around becomes pleasurable.
Wake up, have a coffee & a smoke, open the window, lazy around.
Not sure why I'm writing this, probably because I felt like.
I have time to write what I think, I find it "corroborating" ( soothing for the english readers).
You could say in the middle of the sea on a yacht on a beatiful day in great company sunbathing on the desk.
But you can equally say, sitting on my sofa tipying on a blog.
It's only too early in the morning, probably many are still to rise.
Ah! and read the paper.
Somebody compared Sir Alan to Cormwall in King Lear.
The " I have a reputation for being blunt, a straight talker"
This is some fellow,
Who having been prais'd
for bluntness, doth affect

A saucy roughtness...
he cannot flatter, he
An honest mind and plain,
he must speak truth.
And they will take it, so; if
not, he's plain.
This kind of knaves I
know, which in this plainness
Harbour more craft and more
corrupter ends
Than twenty silly-ducking
That strech their duties

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