Dec 30, 2009

Do you remember... the woman

that I had to host ( due to my mum request) and she left those drawings here to be resent... Well.. she now claims to be an important fashion designer.. or so the world thinks.. Realistically her creations are not too bad.. some even nice.. but I was reading yesterday her "philosophy"..
And it says...
Il suo cuore batte sempre più velocemente portandola lontano dalla sua famiglia e dalla sua Sicilia: arriva a Londra alla celebre Central Saint Martins per frequentare i corsi di Fashion Illustration Cool Hunter e Millinery Designer e, senza nessun aiuto, trova e inizia uno stage di quattro mesi da Vivienne Westwood. Ritorna in Italia spinta da una determinazione fuori dagli schemi: disegnare, creare abiti è e sarà la sua vita, il suo mondo.

The bit in red... says.. without any help finds a stage of 4 months @ Vivienne Westwood..
Without any help.. my ass...
Thanks to me.. which I begged my friend to allow her to work there.. and thanks to MY FRIEND ( which was so kind to even go in the interview room and translate any word she said as she didn't speak a word of English)

THE WORLD is just unfair... I will never get around to understand that either.

I think I ranted enough for today.. Also.. I can't stay on the computer either.. because that annoys Gina TOO....


FKJ said...

why don't you call her up on it?

Heidi said...

What a horrible person. She is destined to be successful in the fashion world.