Dec 15, 2009

Categories... which one do I belong to?

None clearly
The world loves classifications, social status has classifications, friends have too.
Well that makes me think.
Work is shit, that's no news.. I try to mingle with people I spend most of my days with, but clearly I'm different. I don't wear high heels, neither I tart around, neither I sleep with any of them, neither I can have fun talking to them.
Friends, clearly I think differently from them too, because the people I think are my friends, don't like to share their lives with me either.
so.. I just muddle along till life kills me.
that's a nice future plan isn't it.
You can't choose your family, but I came to learn, you clearly can't choose your friends either. Yes yes I chose my friends... but they didn't choose me, nothing u can do about that. Can you?
I shall muddle along still I find why some crazy mind decided to fuck with me and keep me here, till then good night, good morning, good night... the days pass, life passes and still I think the same.
If still not for a solution, I'm looking for an explanation. That will never come either.

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