Oct 13, 2008

Generation X

Hello me again... long time..
managed to pack in quite a bit of activities since I last wrote.
Wednesday saw A, his first visit since his move to Milan ( about a week earlier)
Met the community at this new( to me) place in the hood, where the chef apparently cooks food only produced within the M25 ( my taste buds were disappointed and my stomach upset)
Anyhow Thursday wake up at 4 to live from Milan the market crash. Highlights were
theatrical show imitating me the Sicilian ( starred by 10 of my clients)
me falling asleep dressed in my hotel room
lunch cut short by Bank of Italy asking funds for liquidity
me arriving 1 hour earlier at client appointment ( due to abuse of alcohol the night before)
Friday- surprise arrival at Gina's. She was so delighted, she cried.
Lasagne from Pina were awaiting.
Morning after, shirts were already washed dried ironed and folded and stored in plastic sleeves.
A cake was immediately baked in my honour by neighbour, dinner invitations proposed already 7. Consider I arrived at 10.30 pm and this was only 10 am.
Only had 1 hour for shopping in my favourite shop, still managed to grab few things. Also discovered that the nice lady from the shop dumped the husband to " rumour in the street say" engage in a lesbian relationship with one of her shop assistants... Thrilling...
Anyway it's now Monday, the world is a safer place and I'm back in London and once again need to unpack and tidy up.. this seems to be a neverending job. Why do I spend half of my life tidying up and my flat looks always like a bomb exploded, it's always beyond me.

On the flight back I was reading an interesting article about Generation X, basically me.. well.. and the majority of people I know.
We are basically defined as a generation that loves organic, has divorced parents, it's sad and doesn't have sex.
Let's start with the study about sex, because you know, this is a subject I have particularly at heart.

For the baby-boomer generation, sexual opportunity was opened up by the pill. Those born after 1985 are rediscovering sex as sport largely because of the internet. But, according to Edward Laumann, professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, the emergence of Aids and the divorce boom gave Generation X insecure emotions and more restricted sex lives.“There was a backlash against their parents’ attitudes, a crisis of confidence,” said Laumann, author of The Social Organisation of Sexuality, a college text-book in America. His study, based on thousands of interviews, is expected to be released next year. “It’s clear that, while Generation X has sex, obviously, it’s probably not as much or as varied in styles as their parents or today’s teenagers and students,” he said. ( can somebody please find me the varied styles previous generation used to entertain with??) . According to Laumann’s preliminary findings, about 30% of Generation X-ers have distinctly different sexual habits from their parents or today’s Generation Y; they have “substantially” fewer partners and reject adultery.

I know feel a saint.

Gen X-ers are those born between 1964 and 1980 and they can be divided into 3 main categories:

Cruisers here are those fun-loving free spirits who relish in living outside of the mainstream, like their '90s-era TV heroes. They revere Nelson Mandela, abhor McDonald's and the Pope, and have a predilection for urban, independent and specialist brands. And it looks as if Cruisers are still trying to relive the glory days. They like partying and casual relationships and, the study found, only 34% of respondents who fit into this category are happier now than they were at 18.

Nesters are those who delight in a cozy life filled with a smaller group of friends than the Cruisers, and are focused on chic home furnishings, design and fashion. They like aspirational brands and lionize Madonna, Audrey Hepburn and ET.

Super-breeders are the ones who honestly believe that their children will change the world, and for such reasons, go to extreme odds to protect their loveables from perceived threats (such as sugar and TV). They're also the ones always talking about all things "green," "organic" and "sustainable." They want brands that live up to their ideals of a perfect world. ( I know a couple of these... but they have not bred yet! )

I must say, no idea which one I fit into, maybe the cruisers... ( more in another meaning) because you see despite I'm not happier than I was at 18 ( or for that matter at 4) and I like Spiderman and don't really live outside of the mainstream ( I'm actually drawn in it).

oh well I'm back.. and you must be happy I have only mentioned briefly the financial crisis ( even if this weekend will remain in history.. but you get bored of it).


albeo said...

I am sorry, I am going to save the world. Not my children, especially if thwy share genetic material with THAT Lady...

Lady V said...

Horrid man! You just get on with saving the world then and I'll keep going with the other sort of fiction...

Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

hello - i'm glad to find this post. i blog quite a bit about generation. i'll have to link to this.

FKJ said...

am a NESTER. have decided.