Oct 6, 2008

A couple of days have passed

well.. it's late.. but I thought I update you on the latest couple of days. In maybe sort of chronological order since Friday:

Broke my front tooth.. again.. while at work... they say that banking is not dangerous.. And no.. don't worry didn't end up in a work fight, was eating a chip while typing ( maybe was the punishment for me getting more and more similar to an arancino) and answering phone and all the rest, and half tooth just broke...
Panic, dentist, £45 later, superattack applied and 10 minutes later I'm back at the desk. I clearly chose the wrong career
Game night where I got absolutely drank playing some advanced model of pictionary with etch a sketch or itchy sketchy as I refer to, and trivial pursuit.. and blablabla... you know that apparently scrabble is back in fashion and the latest frenzy after sudoku it's online scrabble.. mind you still a better game than using numbers like chickens and making feel people as if they are learning math.
oh well...
Saturday was moving day, M found a flat.. it's sad, not the flat, but that it means going back to the sporadic time together.

60 boxes later, from storage to van from van to 2nd floor, Wish was awaiting. superhero night.
Very cool people like usual. Wow 10£ can buy jumping of toilet queue and 2 people in the cubicle.... credit crunch... well
Sunday didn't leave the sofa really. H came by with IM and we watched the X factor, playing a bit with the arieal, as thunderstorm had really eliminated digital images, on guess exactly which channel..
Monday... back at work.. another massive fall in stock, new record since 1987, soon will exchange COD for Euros instead ISK and there you go...
Hamleys ,the floral shops ( i.e Monsoon, Oasis et similar) Iceland ( the frozen peas shop) Harvey Nick, West Ham football club, House of Fraser and 250k savers...just in the UK.. Yes, because Iceland, was a great country model, small, ticking along, a success, well till ....
this week... This week proved globalisation wrong, because makes the world more prone to systemic risk, it's like promiscuity really but at market level.
or all started way before when the greedy decided.. oh well Iceland is small, let's destroy it, a bit like Risk.. but takes time and you start with the small ones.. I mean notice that choosing S. Marino or Lietchestein ( or that is the artist... nevermind, you got it) it would have been a bit ridiculous, the Vatican, would have been unfair, after the Pope today said the only solution is praying, also he's runnyin a bible reading marathon, people in turn read a page of the bible... apparently it takes 2 weeks.. It was unclear to me if they stayed awake for 2 weeks or what? F must know the answer, I wouldn't be surprised if she was joining in for a page or two with a thermos of broth.
I also received a message on facebook from my desk mate in secondary school.
Married with kid. I pressed delete. Couldn't cope with the hi how are you what are you doing now. .......and bla....
Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll can you reply to my texts. It's two weekends that I try to invite you to cool places and you never answer.
Roll the dice.. Let's see whose round is next in the world demolition.
Yes it was boring I know... try to do better next time, not in the mood today... but found a cool cheery picture for your amusement.


FKJ said...

day was moving day, M found a flat.. it's sad, not the flat, but that it means going back to the sporadic time together

you could always ask your lovely gf to move in with you
pop corny?

bogart said...

Noooooooooooo, that will definately mark L bed death!! M X