Jul 21, 2007

Will Gina get married by the end of the year?

Gina: hello... ah I forgot to tell you I'm getting married
me: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr who with? how? when? Pina?? ( thinking oh... great eventually somebody to relieve her pressure on me).
Gina:somebody I met, you don't know him
me: who? when?
Gina: by the end of the year
me: come on tell me more, I book holidays... oh that's so wonderful
Gina: well it's not true, but at the last wedding I went, the bride threw the bouquet and I caught it... and as the old say goes when that happens you get married by the end of the year. Oh I felt so sorry for all those tall beautiful girls waiting to get it and little me secured the price...

We shall see folks... if that happens you are all invited

1 comment:

Lady V said...

Brilliant! Can we wear hats to the wedding. Please. Oh go on....