Jul 3, 2007

And... Sunday soon arrived

And walked we did.. A LOT too, especially today.

We went to explore Trash city.. very surreal, as if from a different decade, but all here within the Glasto walls. Amazing how different people live it and experience it differently.. Probably this is why everybody loves it so much

The beautiful the amazing the unique Dame Shirley Bassey
And as she said.... Diamonds are forever.. Arctic Monkeys can't sing better than me.
Wearing her 50k Mcqueen dress she made our day... and lady V.. no it wasn't a Cavalli darling..


Lively, beautiful and hilarious.. Heidi thought that M lied to us and instead of going home was on stage singing for a band.. Oh well.. we all lost it sooner or later...

Cleaning a muddy pound to purchase the nth bottle of wine..

New friends made on the way!

and walking and walking, searching for a toilet and getting stuck in the mud we reached the superb Kaiser Chiefs.. By then it was little Heidi and me dancing away.

Unfortunately teletransport has not been invented yet, and despite our desire to end the night with Carl Cox, our energies were gone, the rain was falling hard and resting was long due.. hence we just rested our sore limbs for a bit and met the others to finish the night to the nearby Silent Disco... What an amazing thing.. You can dance and sing away while music is pumped through wifi earphones. Marvellous.. It will be brilliant to open one in London or anywhere and allow people to take their Ipod in... It will be the solution to world peace

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