May 1, 2007

How much have your parents screwed you up ?

Here you go... I found it...
Darlings lets... And we will eventually see the damage that Gina and the rest have really inflicted on us.


Judging from my results, it's pretty accurate.

Oedipus schmoedipus.
Your parents have definetely messed with your head. But they've also put sufficient time and effort in raising you to leave you capable of earning the cash needed to pay for therapy. So, all things considered, it could have been worse. Of course, it could have been better.


FKJ said...

oh dear

same as you

g&t anyone?

Anonymous said...

Mine was different:

"Oh dear. If you had been a child star, your parents would definitely have embezzled your fortune and fled to an obscure island off Mexico. As it is, sadly, it looks like you're stuck with them. Is it too late to book a course of acting lessons?"

Sounds about right.

Lady V said...

Yep, I'm with the girls. Must have been that G &T on the teat.....

Scorpio said...

Okso I got the same result as you darling Sic. What the fuck? I can tell you honestly, my Mother fucked me up much more than this test would indicate.

Also, since my father wasn't around...the results are somewhat SKEWED.

Whatever. Let me say clearly, there was no talk about sex, drugs were a no-no, including pot and alcohol...

I was repressed. Severely.

bogart said...

Oh well.. wonder why all the ladies got the same answer... Do we choose our friends for a reason or is it just a coincidence?

albeo said...

I fully endorse scorpio. I have been FAR more fucked up. I mean. Do you know any other gay men who have been in a relationship for almost 7 years?