May 20, 2008

Apparently keeping a diary

relieves from depression.. Or so some stupid website stated..
So.. as there are lots of picture missing and many of you complaining about lack of fun things..
here you go.. You have to be patient.. as have a lot to catch up and my memory is a bit blurred on the events.

Let's start from the beginning....
Training for the Himalaya- the training turned out to be far more physically demanding than the climb itself.. but the training like many things didn't last very long and soon resumed the vodka and redbull and fag lifting

But here you go..

Stop 1

Val d'Aosta - the introduction of the Ciaspole - the weird shoes to walk in the snow..
I was crying for the pain and for lack of of a summit to reach. Just white snow on white snow on white snow..
But it was beautiful. Courtesy of Cri, Max and the walkie talkies that buzzed all the way!


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