Apr 26, 2007


While on one of those insane exchange of messages while a work, subject fell on sicilian food and obviously various liqueurs. Maraschino was mentioned, which is nice with Pinapple. That reminded me of:

Gina comes from Pietralcina, where Santo Pio was born.
Pietralcina, near Benevento ( which has nothing to do with Sicily or Puglia)
Benevento, used to be called Maleventum, i.e. bad winds, bad luck.
According to an old legend, Benevento is the place where witches from all over the world meet.
Here since 1860, the family Alberti has guarded a secret, an old recipe, passed on from father to son.
And it is here in Benevento that is produced the most ancient and best- known liqueur in the world. A liqueur whose unique colour and incomparable flavour have gave it the principle role for each encounter ever since.

As an old ad used to go

Il primo sorso affascina,
Il secondo strega
The first sip charmes you,
The second one betwitches you.


FKJ said...

jesus sic. you should be an ad copy writer. were you the genius behind the werther original campaign?

i still remember my grandfather when he gave me FIRST werther original...back in 1913..

love strega.

i still remember my first slip of strega....summer, sicily, 2007...the sun beat down on that godforsaken land..but totties were too pissed to care..

ah yes

bogart said...

wow, a compliment from pod.
I'm thrilled. Thanks pal. We shall sip cinnamon liqueur, have gelo d'anguria and granita.
Not sure how you will resist Pina's cooking

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many tragic English tourists returned from Sicily, only to convert their Strega bottles into fetching table lamps? For some reason that was a fashionable thing to do in the 60s and 70s...