Jan 23, 2008

I decided to trek the Himalaya for charity!

Can you believe that? 
I will be doing :
the Samthar Trek, a 6 days trek (1600m) to raise 2000£ for the charities of the year at work. 
Even trekking the Himalayas... just not to stay 6 days at work??? somebody might argue

Oh well, for those who know me the two biggest challenges won't be the jet lag or the trek, but 
day 4: we wake early today to the sound of chirping birds and to see the sun rise.. ( Another fuking sunrise)
And to avoid escaping at night time in search of opium cultivations!!
As there shouldn't be any reception-Gina can only contact me for emergencies via a satellite phone. I'm sure she'll start sending pigeons. 


FKJ said...

i was meant to do something similar (without the money raising nonsense) years ago but then the ocup fuked it all up.


Heidi said...

When are you doing this? This is crazy. Maybe I will be in KTM for work and we can go dancing at the Fire Club before or after your trek.

My goodness, woman, you don't do anything half way.

albeo said...

you are kidding me...

Pavlusha34 said...

We need a reality film crew now. I am on it.