Jun 4, 2007

The refound pleasure of talking

Apologies for the lack of stories lately but I refound the sleep deprivating pleasure of talking. I made a new friend, E. , which can answer my 7 am question: Why are we here?
We soon had lots of lifestories to go through. Wonderful
So 2 weeks of dancing, dinners, interesting conversations, furniture shifting, chain smoking and early morning Pinot grigios...
Gina & Pina despite previously reprimanded, sent to my office a 25 kg hand knitted persian rug that clearly doesn't go with my habit to eat on the sofa.
And the lamp took two hours of M's patience. :-)

1 comment:

FKJ said...

s: why are we here?
f: so we can die.
can we move it along now. don't have all day.

ps i like the puff from morocco.