Sep 25, 2006

And in the quest for the cure for my backache

I meet even more random people.
Alexander Technique...
I felt a bit like when I went to hipnotherapy to stop smoking, at least this was cheaper..
Weird individual...
physio, othopedic, neurosurgeon, chiropractor.. nothing.. all crap, with Alexander you will learn to feel better.

First of all, relax, twice a day lay for 20 minutes and relax, sleep 7.5 hours per night. Do nothing, no exercise, nothing, in 3 weeks you'll solve your problem.

Now.. if I had 8 hours and 10 minutes to lay down a day, probably would feel better.
But resonably can it be possible that I will have to go to bed @ 10 pm every night?
It might be healthy, but I reckon I'll be such a burst of energy that I'll be dancing on the desk in the office!!
All sacred words, but really, didn't have to pay to know that.

In my other quest to eradicate every single follicole Essex girl said.. why don't we go Hollywood...

I mean.....


albeo said...

7.5 hours + 20 minutes = 7 hours and 50 minutes. Weren't you supposed to be good at maths? Or is lack of sleep harming your mental faculties too...

He he he

bogart said...

it's 7.5 + twice a day for 20 minutes= 8.10
you... humanist

Lady V said...

don't go Hollywood. too much....