Oct 22, 2009

Friends... I need your skilled minds

Gina is coming to London for Xmas... that's no news.. but what's news is that
a) she stopped smoking ( day 3) so she'll have double the energy
b) no Pina
c) she's staying for NY due to airlines hating me and not having any direct flight to sicily before NY

Hence.. what on earth shall we do for NY

ah! M's mum is here too..

Some hints to solve the puzzle
OK so.. It can be London or anywhere else. There are fireworks in London and I have an idiosincracy ( yes another one) whatever you do a NY you do all year.... so you know.. i don't want to chop onions or watch a movie..
Other issues.

a) my mum needs entertainment
b) we want to spend a lovely evening
c) M wants to see fireworks
d) walking on the south bank will be crazy and absurd because jam packed..
d) will be nice to go in a place, but we are not people which will remain there dancing or that will want to spend the evening in a long dress an high heels ( hence posh dinner places are a bit out of discussion
e) my mum would for example love to go to a house in the countryside or stay around with friends- however, my mum unlike yours it's not the type that will give young people their space. she will always be in the middle all night

So far I've come up with dinner at Oxo tower, Medieval banquet or throw a party and fuck it.



Tom said...

Step 1: Buy copious booze
Step 2: Imbibe
Step 3: Forget

Works every time.

FKJ said...

rent a nice cottage about an hour from london. play board games. cook. do other group activities. buy some fireworks and do it yourself. try and invite a couple more people to offset mothers.

albeo said...

Check Eurostar tickets to Paris then night-trains to Rome then direct trains to Sicily. Buy lots of books/magazines for her to read so she doesn't get bored. Make up an excuse for why you CANNOT spend NYE with her. Like you're planning to enter a convent.

Heidi said...

This is the link to where you can view fireworks on NYE: http://www.london.gov.uk/newyearseve/docs/wheretoview-fireworks-09.pdf

I would say to book a nice restaurant somewhere near the Southbank and then watch the fireworks after.

Dress warmly.

I am not very good with mommas. We failed miserably last year. Maybe think about something and then do the opposite. heee.

Good luck!