Sep 30, 2009

What do a Jew a Chinese and a Sicilian do on Holidays?

What can I say.... how much can you do in a week? combine daughter, 10 times more hyperactive mother, a jew and a chinese.. Please don't refrain to make jokes like:
How do a sicilian a jew and a chinese ask for directions.. and all similar things.. we had plenty trials. We didn't spare film.. well as it's digital nowadays, however here you go, a "small" sample for you to enjoy. Sorry about the shitty background music.. but only realised way to late to start the all process again.
Actually I think I'll go to bed and check if tomorrow morning is ready...
From Sicily with love...


Tom said...

I'm sorry, but that soundtrack is totally surreal. Not exactly what one expects to hear when looking at pictures of the that particular Chinese, that particular Jew, and that particular Sicilian.

You all look fabulous, though.

FKJ said...

the soundtrack is what makes it. gina looking AMAZING in her rocking bikini body. yes, that is me talking about your mother.

MicNic said...

If I'm going to be honest I think "Ciuri Ciuri" would be a better complement to the visuals.